Life is about chances, things that scare you or push you to your limits. I think becoming older and looking back on my bucket list I've been playing things safe, I've been living life safe. A chance presented itself when Classified posted he was in need of "extras" for his new video. Here's my chance......I sent in a few photos (not including my age) and waited. Its great that the first on my list from a young age was the first i got to check off.....Being in a music video. Now i thought this would be me as a dancer doing my thing however at 32 I was happy just to roll with the 18 year old for the day. lol
The day was filled with special moments, from personal ones to sitting back and having a front seat to others personal moments. Can you see me???
I loved being on set and feeling the energy of the crew. They transformed a simple space into a space perfect for the vision. Of course i took advantage of being a part of the video and had my camera beside me when ever I could. I knew I would get some shots to remember, and of course I did. Because I was able to take a chance, my bucket list is now bigger.
Please visit my website for more photos of the day